The 9 best tips for making hostel life more enjoyable

The 9 best tips for making hostel life more enjoyable


Hostel life is one of the most exciting and communal experiences you can have. However, some people find it difficult to adjust to this new lifestyle. Your hostel life will open up a whole world of possibilities for you and make you a better and more mature person. You may think that living in a hostel, far away from your family and friends, will be stressful, but it won’t be! If you know what to do and how to do it right, you are in for one of the best years in your life! This luxury PG for boys in Kalasipalya offers individuals an opportunity to experience the vibrant, communal lifestyle of a hostel. We’ve put together nine tips that will help you live your hostel life to the fullest and make it a memorable chapter in your life.

Personalize Your Space:

One of the most common things you’ll come across in your first few days at a hostel is communal living. While it’s great to feel part of a community, having your own corner can make all the difference. You can bring small items such as pictures, posters or even a comfy blanket to make your bunk feel more cozy and familiar. This personalized touch will make your space feel like your own personal home.

Community Living:

Community is the lifeblood of a hostel and the sooner you get to know it, the better your stay will be. Participate in group activities, attend communal events, and be willing to meet new people. The relationships you form in these communal spaces can turn out to be some of the best and most lasting friendships of your life.

Make friends with the hostel staff:

If you want to survive in a hostel, it’s important to be friendly with your hostel staff. Treating your hostel staff with respect is the best way to win their trust and loyalty. They are the human gatekeepers to your problems, whether it’s late nights, extra food, or even staying the night away from your hostel. They are the ones who can hide your problems for you.

Spending time with Seniors:

The more time you spend with Seniors, the more likely you are to understand the hostel's dos and don'ts. Seniors have been in the hostel for a long time, so they know the ins and outs that will help you in the long run. They can be a lifeline during a crisis, and they have connections, expertise and experience that will help you live a more content and productive life in a hostel.

Utilize Common Spaces:

Most hostels offer communal areas such as lounges, communal kitchens, study rooms, etc. Use these areas to hang out, prepare meals together, or study. Participating in communal activities not only helps build relationships but also adds to the overall fun of your stay at the hostel.

Respect Quiet Hours:

PG Hostels can be lively places, but it's essential to respect quiet hours to ensure a peaceful coexistence. When you’re coming back late at night, don’t forget to pay attention to others around you. It’s also a good idea to keep the noise to a minimum during quiet times, as this will help to create a more positive and respectful environment.

Get Involved in Hostel Activities:

Many hostels host events and activities specifically for their residents. From a game night to a cooking class to a city tour, take part in these activities to make your hostel experience even better. You’ll not only be able to enjoy yourself, but you’ll also be able to bond with your fellow residents and make some amazing memories.

Maintain Cleanliness:

Take care of your personal space and be respectful of communal areas. Simple things like washing your own dishes on time, keeping your stuff in one place, and respecting communal areas make for a more enjoyable stay.

Participate in events by volunteering your services:

Helping out at events can be just as rewarding for you as it is for the people you are helping. Participating in events will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Keeping yourself busy with activities that will help you learn new skills and increase your self-confidence. 


Hostel life at Nest Stay Home can be an incredibly enriching and enjoyable experience with the right mindset and approach. Boys PG in Kalasipalya is the perfect place to experience the unique opportunities of personal growth, cultural exchanges, and lifelong friendships. A student's hostel life is the part of their life that makes them independent and helps them grow out of their comfort zone. Choosing it wisely can help them to upskill-upgrade their skills and give their careers a boost.

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