How to make your PG room feel more like home


How to make your PG room feel more like home


Moving into a new PG accommodation often comes with a mix of excitement and apprehension. While it might not be a permanent residence, there's no reason your PG room can't feel like a warm and welcoming home. Transforming your living space into a comfortable shelter involves a combination of personal touches, thoughtful organization, and a Creativity on the side. In this guide, we'll explore various ways to make your PG room feel more like home, turning it into your very own Nest Stay Home.

Personalize with Your Style:

Start by infusing your personal style into the room. This can be achieved through bedding, wall decor, and small accessories. Choose bed linens and pillowcases in colors and patterns that resonate with you. Hang a few framed photos or posters that bring back fond memories. Your room should reflect your personality, making it a space you genuinely enjoy spending time in.

Soft Lighting for Ambiance:

The right lighting can transform the mood of a room. Avoid harsh overhead lights and consider incorporating softer, warmer lighting options. Bedside lamps, fairy lights, or string lights can create a cozy ambiance. Experiment with different light levels to find what works best for you, allowing you to adjust the mood as needed.

Functional and Stylish Storage:

Organization is key to a comfortable living space. Invest in storage solutions that are not only functional but also stylish. Consider under-bed storage boxes, decorative baskets, or wall-mounted shelves to keep your belongings in order. A well-organized space not only looks better but also contributes to a more relaxed and stress-free environment.

Create a Relaxation Corner:

Dedicate a small corner of your room to relaxation. A comfortable chair, floor cushions, or a bean bag can turn this space into a cozy reading nook or a spot for reflection. Add a soft throw blanket and a few cushions to make it inviting and comforting.

Incorporate Natural Elements:

Bring a touch of nature into your room with potted plants or fresh flowers. Not only do they add aesthetic appeal, but they also contribute to a positive atmosphere. Consider low-maintenance plants like succulents or snake plants if you're not green-thumb inclined.

Scent Your Space:

Fragrance plays a significant role in creating a homely atmosphere. Use scented candles, essential oil diffusers, or room sprays to add a pleasant aroma to your room. Choose scents that make you feel relaxed and happy, helping to create a sensory connection to your living space.

Comfortable Bedding is Key:

Invest in high-quality and comfortable bedding. Your bed is the focal point of the room, and a comfortable mattress, soft sheets, and cozy blankets can make a world of difference. Consider adding decorative cushions or a throw to enhance the visual appeal.

Art and Decor:

Hang artwork or create a gallery wall with prints that resonate with you. This is a great way to express your personality and make your room feel uniquely yours. You can also use decorative items like mirrors, rugs, or tapestries to add warmth and character to the space.

Set the Mood with Music:

Create a playlist of your favorite tunes to set the mood in your room. Whether you're winding down after a long day or getting ready to tackle assignments, music can enhance the atmosphere and make your room feel more like a personal sanctuary.

Stay Connected Virtually:

Display photos of loved ones or create a bulletin board with mementos from friends and family. Staying connected with those you care about can create a sense of home, even if you're physically distant.


Transforming your PG room into a cozy nest involves a combination of personalization, organization, and a keen eye for comfort. By infusing your style, incorporating soft lighting, optimizing storage, and adding personal touches, you can turn your temporary living space into a homey haven. Embrace the opportunity to make your Nest Stay Home a reflection of who you are, creating a space that feels comforting and uniquely yours.

Contact info:

ph no: +91-99165 95475



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